Helping Kids Soar: The Difference YOU Can Make

United Way Community Kickoff Event Title Cover Image with little red airplane clipart

“With United Way, we can work together to give our community’s kids a fighting chance to become who they are supposed to be and reach their full potential.”
-Dr. Cory Steiner, Superintendent of Northern Cass School District

On September 13, United Way invited the community to “help kids soar” and “takeoff” our 2022 campaign at the Community Kickoff Event held at the Fargo Air Museum.

Dr. Cory Steiner, Superintendent of the Northern Cass School District was one of several speakers who shared how our community succeeds when our kids succeed.

The purpose of the event was to bring our community together to share stories and updates about the long-term change we can create for our neighbors most in need when we unite.

2022 Volunteer campaign Co-Chairs Dan and Rachel Conrad shared their personal story of how overcoming challenges to help their daughter Rachel led them to take action to make sure all kids have the support, tools, and resources they need to succeed.

President & CEO, Karla Isley, shared how United Way inspires and activates our community to improve lives. We have a unique perspective on our community’s issues and can see the barriers for people in poverty. By using data and activating the right resources, we focus on solutions that will have the biggest long-term impact. We work to lift families out of poverty through our Bold Goals: Prevent Hunger and Homelessness, Prepare Children to Succeed, and Strengthen Families.

We believe that our community’s kids deserve to have the support they need to reach their full potential. By investing and working together to improve the lives and futures of local kids right where they are at – school – we all succeed.

Right here in our community, 1 in 7 children live in poverty. For some kids, growing up isn’t easy. Challenges can begin before they even step into school for the first time. We believe a community thrives when all families and kids, regardless of circumstance, have what they need to learn, grow, feel valued, and be confident.

During the event, United Way introduced our community to three phenomenal young people who have been helped by United Way. We encourage you to meet Isaac, Kylie, and Kristen and watch their stories here.

“When Maddie, Kylie’s mentor, talks about when you help one child it stabilizes a classroom, and when you help 3-4 classrooms that changes a school’s culture, I would even take that one step further and say
when you change multiple schools, you change a community.”
-Karla Isley, United Way of Cass-Clay President & CEO

When you give, you help provide School Case Managers to help families and kids access to services like mental health, food, safe homes, early education, and more – right where they are – school.

While Isaac, Kylie, and Kristen were fortunate enough to have School Case Managers at their schools, funded by United Way However, there is still work left to be done. Many schools across our community don’t yet have this important role. We know this solution works and we need more dollars invested by our community to bring more case managers to schools
across our community. We invite you to make an investment in your community here.

Learn more about how United Way is preparing children to succeed here.
Watch more stories.

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